A fresh new look!
I originally learned to code in high school. I did so from a book loaned to me by a friend. A very bizarre concept nowadays with the array of step-by-step tutorials and video “How-to”s that can be found through a quick search engine query.
Creating HTML websites became a hobby of mine. It was a quirky skill set that not many of my peers had interest in. However, it served me well over the years and allowed me to generate some additional income.
That said sales platforms and templates have progressed in their quality, reduced dramatically in cost and continue to get easier to manage. They have well outpaced my ability to learn more refined ways of coding and the additional languages needed to simulate today’s current shopping carts.
In the last couple years I finally decided to make the transition away from websites of my construction. That transition started with significant amount of research. However, moving past building my own websites has allowed us to bring a refreshed look that is current and both responsive to for mobile and desktop.
I am excited at being able to reinvest my time in other areas of the business. This new chapter should allow us to continue growing and better serve our customers.

Written By Marshall Joas – Owner & Operator of InvertzFactory.com
Marshall runs the day to day operation of the fish room. Packs the orders and answers all the emails! He is passionate about sharing his journey in the fish room and providing quality pets to this amazing hobby.